Pulp were great like always, specially Jarvis, full of energy; he couldn't stop dancing, playing, talking and being sooooo sexy... incredible. He looks younger with the years, what's up?
I missed the same energy in the rest of the band, but it's fine anyway. The selection was just perfect: Something Changed, This is Hardcore, F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E., Babies, Trees, Bad Cover Version...(Isabel Ottino)
Good chosen songs except that they forgot the classic one ...doesn´t feel the same without Common People. Good energy coming from Jarvis, rest of the band stuck to the floor and serious as if they were in a funeral ... for god sake! Give us a smile!? We loved it anyhow (Carmen R.)
The reason for writing to you is just to give you a short reference about the concert Pulp played in Barcelona. The very first word is AMAZING. After a few raindrops that fell minutes before Pulp started, at 1.30 am they started with F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E., then Jarvis asked all of us for concentrate in not raining... and it worked!!! A great start for a great concert, full of their now-and-then-hits, like Babies, Joyriders, Live Bed Show, This is Hardcore, The Fear, Trees, Bad Cover Version (i also think that's one of the greatest songs of their last album). The last theme, a never ending version of Sunrise, was simply perfect. It was awesome! Jarvis made us laugh, vibrate, and after the concert i couldn't say a word. They even played Laughing Boy!!! Thank you Pulp! I wait until the next time we meet anxiously!!! (David)
The Primavera Festival was based at the "Poble Espanyol" in Barcelona which roughly translates to Spanish Village. Pulp were playing in the main square of the village which is apparently designed to look like a typical Spanish town square surrounded by old stone buildings. We decided to watch Pulp from a terrace that spanned two sides of the square, providing a perfect view of the stage from a very short distance.
Mark walked on stage first and started playing the first notes of F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E. on the keyboard with the rest of the band (except Jarvis) following after. Jarvis entered to a huge cheer wearing his Gonzales T-shirt which was quite a hit since they had played earlier in the evening. There was an even more synth based introduction to FEELING thanks to Mark - it sounded absolutely brilliant making me realise that this song could never be overplayed. Jarvis started off the evening speaking quite simple English to the crowd, but by the end of it even those that could speak English tried hard to understand what he was on about!
Trees, Sorted and Laughing Boy (fab yet again!) followed after. I thought that I wouldn't be so lucky to hear the Live Bed Show (extended twice) version again for some reason - but tonight we were blessed and hopefully they'll carry on playing it for the Forest Tour. It was at this point that Jarvis began to become a bit playful. I think it was during Bad Cover Version that he tapped Nick's cymbal with his microphone. At the end of the song he jokingly told a person who had thrown his T-shirt onto the stage not to sue him if he got a cold or pneumonia! He then started mumbling about cold hands, warm hearts and how that was all bulls**t and that all English were all c**ts!!! It was almost as if he'd suddenly become drunk, but I don't think he was.
Next came Weeds (the drums sounded fab as usual) and then afterwards Jarvis started to roll about the stage as if he was incapable of walking and pretended to cry, at which point the band burst in with Help the Aged!! Help the Aged is one of those songs that I think sounds a bit dull on the album, but sounds absolutely fantastic and alive in concert so I love to hear it and if that wasn't good enough - it was followed by The Fear and This is Hardcore with Mark scurrying off before the end of Hardcore (as if he really needed the toilet) marking the end of the "1st Act".
Jarvis entered the stage after a quick break doing a bit of flamenco dancing which was greatly cheered by the Spanish, although I thought he resembled more Michael Flately and the Riverdance team. Two His'n'Hers songs - Joyriders and Babies - were played before Candida attempted to leave the stage presumably thinking that there would be a second encore, only to be shoo-ed back to her keyboards by Jarvis like a naughty schoolgirl! Something Changed followed, leaving Sunrise to the end (at which point it was almost sunrise - the concert ended at 3.15am!) which got the biggest cheer, probably the song I look forward to hearing most now 'cause it's when you can really let go, watch Jarvis let go and listen to that amazing acoustic sound coming out of Richards guitar.
All in all another fantastic evening/morning(!) ..five words... Roll on the Forest Tour! (Yvette Cooke)http://www.pulppeople.plus.com/Live/primavera02.htm
- F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E.
- The Trees
- Sorted For E's & Wizz
- Laughing Boy
- Live Bed Show
- Bad Cover Version
- Weeds
- Help the Aged
- The Fear
- This is Fardcore
- Joyriders
- Babies
- Something Changed
- Sunrise
Release date: 2002
Bitrate: 128 kbps
Format: MP3
LINK HERE (~70 Mb)
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